We look forward to welcoming you to the province of Alberta, Canada! We have one of the largest Ukrainian communities in western Canada and we hope that you will find peace, comfort, and stability here.
If you have questions about the information below, please contact:
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Alberta Provincial Council (780) 414-1624
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress Calgary (calgaryucc2020@gmail.com)
Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (Marianna Solomchak – (403) 262-2006 )
Please review the information below before you depart Europe for Canada.
1. Review the Government of Canada Immigration Guidelines / Canada–Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET)
2. Healthcare (Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan)
3. Find temporary accommodations
At this time, you are responsible for arranging accommodations in Alberta in advance of your arrival. We recommend you explore the options below to help you secure safe accommodations.
4. Bring all Ukrainian government issued and personal documents with you to Canada. Upon arrival, you may need these to prove your identity when you are issued Canadian documents.
5. Connect with Ukrainian groups in the city where you intend to live:
Settlement Services: